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Get to know us
Services and history
How We Started - History
ATL Engineering Services
We can evaluate your current operation and customize production to help in reducing your inventory, and optimize profitability for your company, while maintaining customer product availability with the minimal amount of time.
We can design the Equipment or Systems, create BOM (Bill of Materials) for Modular Components, Component Part Specifications, and other requirements for our Customers to order these Modular Kits. Customer can then finish attaching and assembling components to get desired finished project.
We can arrange a visit at your facility to work up a contract for your project. These fee's can be deducted from Engineering Services Fees once project has been released for Design.
Engineering Contracts can be setup to be paid weekly with long term contracts.
A brief Summary of Products and Service include, but not limited to:
Industries: Foam Molding, Woodworking Industry, Casting Industry, Injection Molding - Plastic or Metal, DieCasting, Investment Casting Industry, Metal Industry, Replicast Process, Plaster Process, Permanent Mold, Factory Assembly Plants & others to name a few.
Controls and Controls Retrofits for existing equipment and new. Contact us for more information on Automating Your Factory.
Cell Automation - Pick & Place for Parts
Installation - Training & support

After dabling with different laser systems, we upgraded our capabilities and launched our second website April 2024 - to address higher production capabilities.

Professional Associations
Through out my career, worked as member of many boards.
Local Chapter 45
SME Lakeshore Chapter 428
North American Die Casting Association Chapter 12
AFS-DOE Research
American Foundrymens Society & Department Of Energy
Division 11 - Lost Foam Casting Process - Division of AFSMSOE - Milwaukee School of Engineering -
Consortium Group
Rapid Prototyping Consortium
SME - Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Presented Seminars for Designing for LostfoamFEF - Foundry Educational Foundation
Local & University SupportServed as President of Kohler-Joa Credit Union.